Running KVM hypervisor on VPS server

Published on Author admin

Running KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) hypervisor on VPS servers. Some of current VPS servers are OpenStack KVM virtual machines with nested virtualization enable, so you are able to run a nested KVM virtual machine. Check whether VPS CPU supports Intel virtualization instruction set. You should see 'vmx' string in returned value. grep vmx /proc/cpuinfo Install… Continue reading Running KVM hypervisor on VPS server

Running speedtest from CLI

Published on Author admin

Download speedtest script from GitHub: wget -O speedtest-cli Make it executable: chmod +x speedtest-cli Run test: ./speedtest-cli To get link with results of test as PNG image: ./speedtest-cli --share To specify to which server connect: ./speedtest-cli --list ./speedtest-cli --server 4166